It has been way too long since my last post. My only excuse is that I have been suffering a paralyzing fear induced by the prospect of a Yankees vs. Dodgers World Series. Thanks to the Phillies for putting an end to my worries. I have never been a fan of the Red-hat Philadelphians but they are an endlessly better alternative to the Dodgers. The cause for my distaste for both the Yanks and the Dodgers is easily ascertained when you look at my favorite teams:
NL: San Francisco Giants
AL: Boston Red Sox
The Giants had a great season all things considered, especially when viewed alongside last years dismal performance. The Red Sox season ended in disappointment, but I am ultimately pleased with their success considering they were more injury prone than the Ducks’ quarterbacks. Enough baseball for now, go Phillies!
Cutting the Cable Update: The experiment can be considered a success so far, as we are happily rolling along without TV. Four years ago I would have cut internet before cable, and now I cannot imagine cutting internet. It has left me wondering; what did we do before the internet? Newspapers? Magazines? Their news is so yesterday or last month. Also, you can now watch TV on the internet, including sports, by using streaming sites like Maybe this crazy World Wide Web thing has potential.
We made a trip last weekend to visit Ryan and Amy (yes, my good friend also married an Amy) up in Oregon City. It was nice to catch up with Ryan and Amy. It had been something like 2 years (minimum). It was a great trip and another reminder of what a nice city we have at the top of our state: Portland. We rode into town on MAX and walked through Pearl District, grabbed a beer at Life of Riley’s, and some good noodles at a restaurant with a name that has slipped my mind. Portland really needs a professional baseball team to usurp San Francisco as my favorite west coast city, but it is getting close.
Amy and I are still crazy busy. Hopefully I can get some time to update my blog more often! Later…