It has been announced on Facebook, but I wanted to post on here that Amy and I are expecting! We will be welcoming our first child, ultrasound says BOY!, on July 1st. We are absolutely thrilled! Amy is showing and the time is approaching.
We are 92% sure of a name for our boy: Paul Andrew Robinette. I have always liked the name Paul. After all, he was essentially the writer of the new testament and the hero of one of my favorite sci-fi novels: Dune. Andrew is my Great Great Grandpa's name on the Robinette side. Andrew John Patterson came over from Ireland in about 1883. We still have his bible from catholic school. I really like the flow of the name and think it should serve Paul well. Having said that, we still reserve the right to change it!
So, as Howard's life ends a new life begins. It is a bittersweet time; a time filled with family, joy, and mourning. I have much more to say on many topics, but this will do for now. From Lake Havasu City, where Howard lived with his beloved Nadine, so long everyone.