Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Misnomer: "Common" Sense

News from the future: The human genome has been completely mapped. It has been found that the “Common Sense” gene is recessive and occurs in an average of 1 in 612 specimens. It is even less common in some samples, including politicians, upper management, and Michael Bay films.

I played in a company softball tournament this last weekend. It was a really nice morning and aside from the guy taking it so seriously he must have thought there was a Cubs scout in the crowd, there were some really cool people playing. Calling Mr. Serious a “Tool” is an insult to all tools (apologies to Alex Rodriguez). Amy ended up playing on our team to make nine. She did a really good job standing in and all said and done, our team did pretty good. We played for the IS (Information Systems) department. Next year, everyone better look out for the Fighting Nerds! Talk about a one-two punch, these guys can remote troubleshoot your PC while hosing folks at the dish for underestimating their mouse-arm strength.

The Yankees have a 2.5 game lead this morning over my Red Sox in the American League East and the Giants are 6.0 games back in the National League West. Both my teams are atop the wild card race in their leagues, but I want two pennants! Seriously, would anyone miss the Yankees and the Dodgers? Rooting for either of these teams is like rooting for Wal-Mart. Does anyone think the sandbox they built in New York is part of a Steinbrenner plot to get more pinstripes in the record books?

I have not been able to get on the bike much lately. Amy and I have been keeping really busy with guests visiting, me working long hours, and Amy getting the painting bug. We have painted the master bedroom and are now on to the master bath. It looks great and I might post some pics later.

Listening to: I am way late to the game on this one, but for those of you who haven’t checked out Pandora internet radio, it is awesome and I am hooked. I have the app for my iPod Touch and it provides excellent functionality, custom stations, and decent sound. I have already discovered several new bands that I will be checking into.

Important lesson learned: This has sort of been the summer of me competing/participating in athletic events without any training or conditioning. This is problematic, as once again to start a work week off I walked like a knee replacement surgery patient two hours post op. You might ask “How is it possible that you are sore from playing slow-pitch softball for half a day? I mean John Kruk used to play 162 games a year and he has the same athletic build as an orange.” I have no good answer for you. I guess the lesson learned is that I need to get into shape!

Coming up: This weekend I am traveling to Bend for a concert at the Domino Room. Grant and I are going to see Rehab. It should be a great time, and Bend doesn't disappoint this time of year. I might just have to float the Dechutes!

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